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Get a pet (wolf qest)

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  • EN Get a pet (wolf qest)

    This quest starts in Gludin with Pet Manager Martin. He's near the Dark Elf Guild. He tells you to hunt mobs, and which ones will depend on what race you are. You need 50 items. Minimum level which you can start is 15.

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    Mobs are:

    for Humans: Giant Spider, Poker i Blader, near Island Village,
    for Orcs: Kasha Spider, Kasha Poker Spider i Kasha Blade Spider, near Orc Village, Cave of Trials, Frozzen Waterfalls,
    for Dwarves: Hunter Tarantulas i Plunder Tarantulas, near Dwarven Village,
    for Elfs: Crimson Spider, Hook Spiders and Pincer Spider, near Elven Village, Elven Forest, Elven Fortress,
    for Dark Elfs: -Lesser Dark Horror, Dark Horror and Prowler, near Swampland,
    for Kamael- Crimson Spider, near Stronghold II.

    Mostly 2 mobs will be enough.

    When you have 50 items return to Martin. He sends you to talk to 3 other NPCs to learn about wolves.

    1. Guard Metty in Dion.
    2. Jeweler Ellie in Giran.
    3. Gatekeeper Bella in Gludio.

    You mast carefully read what they say, couse u will get some directions for future test.

    Then return back to Gludin to talk to Martin and take the pet quest. The questions vary from one quest run to another, and the answers vary in order as well. The answer choices will always be the same for each question but they will not always be in the order listed here so be careful.

    Here I will put this question which I have.

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    Below are question which I have and some more.

    Q: What is the Normal lifespan of a wolf in Captivity?
    A: 12-15 years.

    Q: How is a wolf's tail normally positioned?
    A: It's tail is always pointed straight down.

    Q: What kind of wolf leads the rest when hunting in a pack?
    A: Male

    Q: The following connections are made between the wolves and thier habitats. Wich is NOT correct?
    A: Orc - Black Wolf

    Q: Which is NOT a proper description of the breeding of wolves?
    A: Pregnancy is nine months

    Q: What are the oldest and most primitive type of wolves found in Aden?
    A: Dire Wolf

    Q: The wolf is a meat-eating mammal of the canine family. Which animal amoung the following is NOT a meat-eating mammal of the canine family?
    A: None of the above

    Q: Which of the following is the CORRECT description of a wolf?
    A: A grown wolf is still not as heavy as a fully-grown male adult human

    Q: How far (in kilometers) can a wolf's smell reach?
    A: 2.4 km

    Q: What is the best way to train your pet?
    A: When taking down a monster, always have a pet's company.

    Q: Which of the following do NOT describe the life of a wolf.
    A: A pregnant wolf makes its home is a wide open place to have its babies.

    Q: The pet shall disappear forever if you can't resurrect it within a certain amount of time. What is the maximum amount of time to resurrect a pet?
    A: 20 minutes.

    Q: The owner can use its pet for many different purposes. Which one of the following is NOT the purpose of a pet use?
    A: Send someone to buy items from the village.

    Q: Which one among the following does a wolf NOT eat?
    A: None of the above.

    Q: Which of the following is not a part of the wolf's diet?
    A: none of the above

    Q: What are the oldest and most primitive type of wolf on Aden?
    A: Dire Wolf.

    Q: The following connections are made between the wolves and their habitats. Which is not correct?

    Q: Pest are very useful to their owners. Wich of the following is NOT an appropiate use of a pet?
    A: Can be send to vilage to buy items.

    If you get them right you are rewarded with a Wolf Collar, which can summon a level 15 wolf. GL

  • #2

    Esta mision se inicia en Gludin con el Pet Manager Martin. Está cerca de la Dark Elf Guild. Él dice a cazar monstruos, y cuáles dependerán de qué raza eres. Usted necesita 50 artículos. El nivel mínimo que se puede empezar es 15.

    Los monstruos son:

    Para Humans: Giant Spider, Poker i Blader, near Island Village,
    Para Orcs: Kasha Spider, Kasha Poker Spider i Kasha Blade Spider, near Orc Village, Cave of Trials, Frozzen Waterfalls,
    Para Dwarves: Hunter Tarantulas i Plunder Tarantulas, near Dwarven Village,
    Para Elfs: Crimson Spider, Hook Spiders and Pincer Spider, near Elven Village, Elven Forest, Elven Fortress,
    Para Dark Elfs: Lesser Dark Horror, Dark Horror and Prowler, near Swampland,
    Para Kamael: Crimson Spider, near Stronghold II.

    Generalmente 2 monstruos seran suficientes.

    Cuando usted tiene los 50 materiales vuelva a Martin. Él le envía a hablar con otros 3 NPCs para aprender acerca de los lobos.

    1. Guard Metty en Dion.
    2. Jeweler Ellie en Giran.
    3. Gatekeeper Bella en Gludio.

    Usted debe leer cuidadosamente lo que dicen, porque usted va a obtener algunas indicaciones para la futura prueba.

    A continuación, regrese de nuevo a Gludin a hablar con Martin y tomar la misión de la mascota. Las preguntas varían de una misión a otra misión, y las respuestas varían en orden también. Las opciones de respuesta siempre será la misma para cada pregunta, pero no siempre estarán en el orden indicado aquí, así que ten cuidado.

    Aquí voy a poner estas preguntas que tengo.

    A continuación se presentan las pregunta que tengo, y un poco más.

    P: What is the Normal lifespan of a wolf in Captivity?
    R: 12-15 years.

    P: How is a wolf's tail normally positioned?
    R: It's tail is always pointed straight down.

    P: What kind of wolf leads the rest when hunting in a pack?
    R: Male

    P: The following connections are made between the wolves and thier habitats. Wich is NOT correct?
    R: Orc - Black Wolf

    P: Which is NOT a proper description of the breeding of wolves?
    R: Pregnancy is nine months

    P: What are the oldest and most primitive type of wolves found in Aden?
    R: Dire Wolf

    P: The wolf is a meat-eating mammal of the canine family. Which animal amoung the following is NOT a meat-eating mammal of the canine family?
    R: None of the above

    P: Which of the following is the CORRECT description of a wolf?
    R: A grown wolf is still not as heavy as a fully-grown male adult human

    P: How far (in kilometers) can a wolf's smell reach?
    R: 2.4 km

    P: What is the best way to train your pet?
    R: When taking down a monster, always have a pet's company.

    P: Which of the following do NOT describe the life of a wolf.
    R: A pregnant wolf makes its home is a wide open place to have its babies.

    P: The pet shall disappear forever if you can't resurrect it within a certain amount of time. What is the maximum amount of time to resurrect a pet?
    R: 20 minutes.

    P: The owner can use its pet for many different purposes. Which one of the following is NOT the purpose of a pet use?
    R: Send someone to buy items from the village.

    P: Which one among the following does a wolf NOT eat?
    R: None of the above.

    P: Which of the following is not a part of the wolf's diet?
    R: none of the above

    P: What are the oldest and most primitive type of wolf on Aden?
    R: Dire Wolf.

    P: The following connections are made between the wolves and their habitats. Which is not correct?

    P: Pest are very useful to their owners. Wich of the following is NOT an appropiate use of a pet?
    R: Can be send to vilage to buy items.

    Si usted consigue esto, usted sera recompenzado con un Wolf Collar, que puede invocar a un lobo lv 15.


    • #3

      Misję (wiem, że to śmieszniej brzmi :P)rozpoczyna się w Gludin u Pet Managera, Martina. Znajduje się on w pobliżu Dark Elf Guild. Martin mówi Ci żebyś polował na potwory, w zależności o tego z której wioski pochodzisz. Potrzebujesz 50 sztuk. Musisz mieć miniumem 15 lvl, żeby zacząć misję.

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      Potwory znajdują się w:

      -dla Ludzi: Giant Spider, Poker i Blader, near Island Village,
      -dla Orków: Kasha Spider, Kasha Poker Spider i Kasha Blade Spider, near Orc Village, Cave of Trials, Frozzen Waterfalls,
      -dla Krasnal: Hunter Tarantulas i Plunder Tarantulas, near Dwarven Village,
      -dla Elfów:
      Crimson Spider, Hook Spiders and Pincer Spider, near Elven Village, Elven Forest, Elven Fortress,
      -dla "Ciemnych" Elfów: -Lesser Dark Horror, Dark Horror and Prowler, near Swampland,
      -dla Kamaeli- Crimson Spider, near Stronghold II.

      Gneralnie 2 potowry powinny wystarczyć.

      Kiedy otrzymasz 50 sztuk wróc do Martina. Wyśle Ci do 3 NPC żebyś z nimi porozmawiał i dowiedział się czegoś wiecej o wilkach.

      1. Guard Metty w Dion.
      2. Jeweler Ellie w Giran.
      3. Gatekeeper Bella w Gludio.

      Musisz uważnie czytać to o czym Ci opowiadają, poniważ ich wskazówki mogą być przydatne w teście.

      Po rozmowach wróć do Martina w Gludin, porozmawiaj z nim ponownie i weź qesta. Kolejnośc pytań i odpowiedzi, może uledz zmianie, ale będą ona zawsze takie same. Czyli odpowiedzi będa zawsze takie same tylko kolejność zadawanych pytań będzie się zmieniać, bądź więc ostrożny!

      Tutaj są pytania i odopwiedzi jakie ja miałem:

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      Poniżej natomiast sa pytanie które miałem ja i kilka dodatkowych:


      P: What is the Normal lifespan of a wolf in Captivity?
      R: 12-15 years.

      P: How is a wolf's tail normally positioned?
      R: It's tail is always pointed straight down.

      P: What kind of wolf leads the rest when hunting in a pack?
      R: Male

      P: The following connections are made between the wolves and thier habitats. Wich is NOT correct?
      R: Orc - Black Wolf

      P: Which is NOT a proper description of the breeding of wolves?
      R: Pregnancy is nine months

      P: What are the oldest and most primitive type of wolves found in Aden?
      R: Dire Wolf

      P: The wolf is a meat-eating mammal of the canine family. Which animal amoung the following is NOT a meat-eating mammal of the canine family?
      R: None of the above

      P: Which of the following is the CORRECT description of a wolf?
      R: A grown wolf is still not as heavy as a fully-grown male adult human

      P: How far (in kilometers) can a wolf's smell reach?
      R: 2.4 km

      P: What is the best way to train your pet?
      R: When taking down a monster, always have a pet's company.

      P: Which of the following do NOT describe the life of a wolf.
      R: A pregnant wolf makes its home is a wide open place to have its babies.

      P: The pet shall disappear forever if you can't resurrect it within a certain amount of time. What is the maximum amount of time to resurrect a pet?
      R: 20 minutes.
      GRACIA EPILOGUE: 24 Hours

      P: The owner can use its pet for many different purposes. Which one of the following is NOT the purpose of a pet use?
      R: Send someone to buy items from the village.

      P: Which one among the following does a wolf NOT eat?
      R: None of the above.

      P: Which of the following is not a part of the wolf's diet?
      R: none of the above

      P: What are the oldest and most primitive type of wolf on Aden?
      R: Dire Wolf.

      P: The following connections are made between the wolves and their habitats. Which is not correct?

      P: Pest are very useful to their owners. Wich of the following is NOT an appropiate use of a pet?
      R: Can be send to vilage to buy items.

      Jeżeli uda Ci się odpowiedzieć poprawie na każde pytanie otrzymasz Wolf Collar, dzięki którem będziesz mógł summonować wilka lvl 15. Powodzenia

      Zdaje sobie sprawę, że hasła tupy "misja, potwory... itp" śmiesznie brzmią, ale trzeba tłumaczyć dość dokladnie więc proszę bez flame :P

