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Little Wings - Hatchling

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  • EN Little Wings - Hatchling

    Los tres tipos de Hatchling queue puedes conseguir:

    - Star Hatchling: De ataqueue debil y fuerte defensa. Tiene la habilidad de Hate. Comparado con los otros Hatchlings, requiere un consumo medio de comida.

    - Wind Hatchling: Tiene el ataque mas potente y la defensa mas debil, asi como una skill de ataqueue bastante potente. Es el queue mas comida consume de los dos.

    - Twilight Hatchling:
    De ataque y defensa debil, es el queue menos comida consume de los tres.

    Habla con Pet Manager Cooper en Giran, lo encontraras en la misma plaza de la Luxury Shop.
    Te enviara a Hunter's Village a hablar con Wiseman Cronos.

    Habla con Wiseman Cronos en Hunter's Village. Lo encontraras enfrente del edificio principal, cerca del Gatekeeper.
    Te pedira una Fairy Stone, y te preguntara queue tipo de Fairy Stone queuieres hacer y te dara el Recipe apropiado con los materiales que necesitas dependiendo del tipo queue elijas:

    Regular Fairy Stone

    • 10 Toad Lord Back Skins
    • 10 Coal
    • 10 Charcoal
    • 1 D Grade Gemstone
    • 1 Silver Nugget

    Deluxe Fairy Stone

    • 20 Toad Lord Back Skins
    • 10 Coal
    • 10 Charcoal
    • 1 C Grade Gemstone
    • 5 Silver Nugget

    Habla ahora con Maria, en la tienda de magia en Dion. Te dara informacion de donde puedes encontrar los ingredientes queue necesitas.

    Mata Toad Lord en el pantano de los alrededores de Cruma Tower hasta que consigas los 10 Toad Lord Back Skins. Cuando tengas todos los materiales, vuelve a hablar con Maria y te hara la Regular Fairy Stone.

    Vuelve ahora a hablar con Wiseman Cronos. Te mandara a hablar con Guard Byron, en la entrada Norte de Hunter's Village.
    Byron te mandara a hablar con Fairy Mymyu en Enchanted Valley.

    Habla con Mymyu. Te dira que hables con uno de los cinco Drakes para que te encarguen la tarea de recuperar sus huevos robados.
    Las cinco opciones son:

    - Drake Kalibran: Mata Road Scavengers a lo largo de Death Pass hasta queue consigas los 20 huevos. Llevale los huevos a Kalibran.

    - Drake Exarion:
    Mata Leto Lizzardman Warriors en el Sur de Oren para conseguir los 20 huevos y devuelveselos a Exarion.

    - Wyvern Suzet:
    Mata Breka Orc Overlords al Norte de Giran y consigue los 20 huevos para llevarselos a Suzet.

    - Wyvern Shamhai:
    Mata Death Seekers en Execution Ground para conseguir los 20 huevos.

    - Drake Zwov:
    Mata Marsh Spiders para conseguir los 20 huevos.

    Tras haberle devuelto los huevos al Drake que hayas elegido, vuelve a hablar con Mymyu en Enchanted Valley. Te dara la flauta que invoca al Hatchling.

  • #2

    The three types of Hatchling you can get:

    - Star Hatchling: From ataqueue weak and strong defense. Has the ability to Hate. Compared to the other Hatchlings, requires an average consumption of food.

    - Wind Hatchling: You have the most powerful attack and defense weaker as well as a pretty powerful skill ataqueue. Queue is the more food consumed both.

    - Twilight Hatchling:
    From weak attack and defense, is the least of the three food consumed.

    Talk to Pet Manager Cooper in Giran, you'll find in the same square as the Luxury Shop.
    Will send you to Hunter's Village to talk to Wiseman Cronos.

    Talk to Wiseman Cronos in Hunter's Village. You'll find it opposite the main building, near the Gatekeeper.
    He'll ask one Fairy Stone, and I wonder what sort of Fairy Stone want to do and give you the proper Recipe with the materials you need depending on the type you choose:

    Regular Fairy Stone
    • 10 Toad Lord Back Skins
    • 10 Coal
    • 10 Charcoal
    • 1 D Grade Gemstone
    • 1 Silver Nugget

    Deluxe Fairy Stone
    • 20 Toad Lord Back Skins
    • 10 Coal
    • 10 Charcoal
    • 1 C Grade Gemstone
    • 5 Silver Nugget

    Speak now with Mary, in the magic shop at Dion. It will give you information about where you can find the ingredients you need.

    Kill Toad Lord in the swamp around Cruma Tower until you get the 10 Toad Lord Back Skins. When you have all the materials, turns to talk to Maria and I will do the Regular Fairy Stone.

    Back now to talk to Wiseman Cronos. Sends you to talk to Guard Byron, at the northern entrance of Hunter's Village.
    Byron sends you to talk to Mymyu Fairy in Enchanted Valley.

    Talk to Mymyu. He'll tell you to talk to one of five Drakes for you to arrange for the task to retrieve their stolen eggs.
    The five options are:

    - Drake Kalibran: Kill Road Scavengers along Death Pass to get the 20 eggs queue. Take him to Kalibran eggs.

    - Drake Exarion: Kill Leto Lizzardman Warriors in Southern Pray for the 20 eggs and return them to Exarion.

    - Wyvern Suzet: Kill Orc Overlords Breka north of Giran and get 20 Suzet eggs to take them away.

    - Wyvern Shamhai: Kill Death Seekers in Execution Ground for 20 eggs.

    - Drake Zwov: Kill Marsh Spiders for 20 eggs.

    After having returned to Drake eggs you've chosen, come back to talk to Mymyu in Enchanted Valley. He will give you the flute that invokes the Hatchling.


    • #3

      Originally posted by ArknGel View Post
      Regular Fairy Stone
      • 10 Toad Lord Back Skins
      • 10 Coal
      • 10 Charcoal
      • 1 D Grade Gemstone
      • 1 Silver Nugget

      Deluxe Fairy Stone
      • 20 Toad Lord Back Skins
      • 10 Coal
      • 10 Charcoal
      • 1 C Grade Gemstone
      • 5 Silver Nugget
      how u can get mats on this sever? manor?
      Last edited by Ohidis; 10-28-2013, 08:07 PM.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Ohidis View Post
        how u can get mats on this sever? manor?
        Gem stone in grocery
        Toad Lord is called incipio in the quest. Killing toad lord, outside, cruma tower. You obtain toad lord, and charcol.
        Silver nugget killing Langk Lizardman Leader.


        • #5

          Os três tipos de Hatchling você pode obter:

          - Star Hatchling: De ataqueue defesa fraca e forte. Tem a capacidade de ódio. Em comparação com os outros filhotes, requer um consumo médio de alimentos.

          - Cria Vento: Você tem o ataque mais poderoso ea defesa mais fraca, bem como uma muito poderosa ataqueue habilidade. Fila é a mais alimento consumido ambos.

          - Crepúsculo Hatchling: De ataque fraco e defesa, é o menor dos três alimentos consumidos.

          Fale com o Pet Manager Cooper em Giran, você vai encontrar na mesma praça do Luxury Shop.
          Vai mandar você para de Hunter Village para falar com o Wiseman Cronos.

          Fale com o Wiseman Cronos em Hunter Village. Você vai encontrá-lo em frente ao edifício principal, perto do Gatekeeper.
          Ele vai pedir uma fada Stone, e eu me pergunto que tipo de fada Pedra quer fazer e dar-lhe a receita adequada com os materiais que você precisa, dependendo do tipo que você escolher:

          Regular Fada Pedra

          • 10 Toad Lord Back Skins
          • 10 Coal
          • 10 Charcoal
          • 1 D Grade Gemstone
          • 1 Silver Nugget

          Deluxe Fairy Stone

          • 20 Toad Lord Back Skins
          • 10 Coal
          • 10 Charcoal
          • 1 C Grade Gemstone
          • 5 Silver Nugget

          Fale agora com Maria, na loja de magia em Dion. Ela vai lhe dar informações sobre onde você pode encontrar os ingredientes que você precisa.

          Matar Toad Lord no pântano em torno de Cruma Tower até chegar o sapo 10 Senhor de volta Skins. Quando você tem todos os materiais, se vira para falar com Maria e vou fazer a Pedra Fada Regular.

          Voltar agora para falar com Wiseman Cronos. Envia-lhe para falar com Guard Byron, na entrada norte da vila do caçador.
          Byron envia-lhe para falar com Mymyu Fada em Enchanted Valley.

          Fale com Mymyu. Ele vai dizer-lhe para falar com um dos cinco Drakes para você organizar para a tarefa para recuperar seus ovos roubados.
          As cinco opções são:

          - Drake Kalibran: Mate Road Scavengers junto Death Pass para chegar a 20 ovos fila. Leve-o para ovos Kalibran.

          - Drake Exarion: Kill Leto Lizzardman guerreiros no sul Ore pelos 20 ovos e devolvê-los ao Exarion.

          - Wyvern Suzet: Kill Breka Orc Overlords norte de Giran e ganhe 20 Suzet ovos para levá-los embora.

          - Wyvern Shamhai: Mate Seekers Morte em Execution Ground para 20 ovos.

          - Drake Zwov: Mate Marsh Spiders por 20 ovos.

          Depois de ter regressado aos ovos de Drake que você escolheu, volte para falar com Mymyu em Enchanted Valley. Ele lhe dará a flauta que invoca o Hatchling.


          • #6
            Originally posted by ArknGel View Post

            Gem stone in grocery
            Toad Lord is called incipio in the quest. Killing toad lord, outside, cruma tower. You obtain toad lord, and charcol.
            Silver nugget killing Langk Lizardman Leader.
            Is there a new way to get these materials? After visiting some towns I gave up trying to find a place where I can get them.


            • #7


              • #8
                I can't get those silver nuggets. Any help from GM where I can get these? Thanks in advance.

                King regards

