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Faris - 07/08/2020

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  • Faris - 07/08/2020

    • New NPC Duel Manager (Coliseum).
    - You can register alone or at a party, and also define if the duel will cost coins or not.
    - As soon as two people or parties register with the same number of players and the same amount of coins, the match will start.
    - Teams will be teleported to an arena (initially the coliseum) in another instance.
    - The time of the match will be 5min for 1x1 and 5min + number of players in the party, for larger teams. That means, 2x2 will be 7min, 9x9 will be 14min.
    - Whoever defeats all his opponents will be declared the winner. If time runs out without one of the teams having won, the game will end as a draw.
    - Dueling for coins, the winner will take all the coins (if you bet 10 coins, the winner will receive 20coins). In case of a tie, the coins will be returned to the competitors - 10% fee (if 10 coins are bet and there is a tie, each team will receive 9 coins).
    - There are some restrictions in the duels: Weapons and skills hero, scroll of resurrection and qhp will not be allowed.
    • Provisional Clan Halls

    - New clan halls were released to meet the demand of other clans that do not have a clan hall.
    - These are instanced clan hall, that means player can only access teleporting (Talking with NPC or using escape CH)
    - Clan Halls can be purchased by auction (coins). The auctions will take place every 2 weeks, from 00:01 on Saturday until 20:55 on Sunday, talking with Auctioner.
    - Half of the clan halls amount will be auctioned every 2 weeks.
    - Clan halls have a fixed value, depending on the type of clan hall, and last for 28 days. At the end of the auction, the clans that will receive access to CH will be randomly drawn.
    - Those clans that are not awarded with the clan hall, will receive the coins that bet back minus the fee, which varies according to the CH.
    - There will be 3 types of clan halls:

    Name Amount Clan lvl Rent Fee
    Orchid Hall 30 5 to 9 10 1
    Ellia Hall 10 5 to 10 15 2
    Laurell Hall 10 5 to 11 20 3
    • New Skins/Costumes
    PS: Nothing is final, adjustments can be made later.
    PS1: It will be necessary to update the H5 client using our launcher.


  • #2
    • Novo NPC Duel Manager (Coliseum).
    - Você pode se registrar sozinho ou em party, além de definir se o duel será valendo coins ou não.
    - Assim que duas pessoas ou parties se registrarem com o mesmo número de player e a mesma quantidade de coins, a partida é iniciada.
    - Os times serão teleportado para uma arena (inicialmente o coliseum) em outra instância.
    - O tempo da partida será de 5min para 1x1 e 5min+número de players na party, para times maiores. Ou seja, 2x2 será 7min, 9x9 será 14min.
    - Será declarado vencedor aquele que derrotar todos os seus oponentes. Caso o tempo termine sem que um dos times tenha vencido, a partida terminará como empate.
    - Duelos valendo coins, o vencedor leverá todas as coins (se apostaram 10 coins, o vencedor sairá com 20coins). Em caso de empate, as coins voltarão para os competidores - taxa de 10% (se apostaram 10 coins e der empate, cada time receberá 9 coins).
    - Existem algums restrições nos duelos: Armas e skills hero, scroll de ress e qhp não serão permitidos.
    • Provisional Clan Halls
    - Foram liberadas novas clan halls visando atender a demanda dos demais clans que não possuem uma clan hall.
    - As clan hall são instanciadas, ou seja, só poderão ser acessadas via teleport (Falando com NPC ou utilizando escape CH).
    - As clan hall poderão ser adquiridas por leilão (coins). Os leilões ocorrerão a cada 2 semanas, no período de 00:01 do sábado até as 20:55 do domingo, falando com o auctioner.
    - Metade das clan halls disponíveis serão leiloadas a cada 2 semanas.
    - As clan halls possuem um valor fixo, a depender do tipo de clan hall, e duram 28 dias. Ao final do leilão, será sorteado de forma aleatória os clans que receberão acesso a CH.
    - Aqueles clans que não forem premiados com a clan hall, receberão as coins que apostaram de volta menos a taxa, que varia de acordo com o CH.
    - Existirão 3 tipos de clan halls:
    Name Amount Clan lvl Rent Fee
    Orchid Hall 30 5 to 9 10 1
    Ellia Hall 10 5 to 10 15 2
    Laurell Hall 10 5 to 11 20 3
    • Novas Skins/Costumes
    PS: Nada é definitivo, ajustes poderão ser feitos posteriormente.
    PS1: Será necessário atualizar o client H5 utilizando nosso launcher.


